Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Selling Fuel Tech (FTEK): What a mistake!

I sold Fuel Tech (FTEK)at 25.21 the other day and the stock has already rebounded to 29.35. OUCH!

It seems the last selloff during the earnings call may turn out to be just one big shake-out as the news was expected by analysts and the company's prospects appear to be just as good as ever. New orders were announced today as well. Furthermore, the Federal Reserve left lending rates unchanged and the market seems to be reacting very positively to this, possibly thinking that this means that the lending and housing fallout will be contained and that the rest of the economy is strong enough to keep things going. This also means inflation will be kept in check.

I am going to very closely follow FTEK to see if there will be an opportunity to get back in since it's technology appears to not only reduce pollution but also more than pays for itself.

1 comment:

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